Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blah Blahs: On Hiatus

I've been on blogging hiatus for about a month now. So what happened these past few weeks? A lot!!

Last July 30 - August 04, I was confined in the hospital due to dengue hemorrhagic fever. Boohoo! Anyway, I'm fine now. Thank God!!


So what else happened? Oh yeah, I've got a new job. I'm currently employed as an Internet Marketing Assistant at an online mobile company. Cool!

And oh, my boyfriend (cuddly bear) and I celebrated our 3rd year anniBEARsary last August 6. Sweet! (That reminds me, I will make a separate blog post about him. Haha!)

Hmm, what else? Ahh, I saw my younger brother dancing at the K-Pop fest last August 8. He's ssooo talentless. Lol.

With my brother, Kris and his friend, Rey

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