Friday, October 15, 2010


Last 10-10-10, I renew my hosting at GoDaddy. Anyway, I received a reminder today that my domain name, patricia423, will expire in 10 days. Instead of renewing it, I decided to buy a new domain. Anyway, I'll try to fix my blog this weekend and I will just make another post about my new domain. ☺

Friday, September 10, 2010

OMG: The cutest pumpkin ever!!

I've been searching for Sungmin SS3 fancams for weeks now. And finally, I've found this cute video of pumpkin minnie. So thank you to MinBono for posting this on youtube. You really made my day! And Sungmin, you are the cutest pumpkin ever!! I want to eat you! Lol.  

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blah Blahs: AB Girls

I had a blast last night with my AB girls. So, we had our dinner at Army Navy, and had our coffee at 6750. And, our topic for the whole night is... "Entertainment Gossips"!! Lol.
 Geia, Mary, Patricia, Ana, Audrey, Candy

AB Girls

Saturday, August 28, 2010

OMG: Stare and Drool at Sungmin

There are so many things to do, and I still need to finish some tasks that was supposedly due this week. Anyway, as I was browsing the web looking for an inspiration to help me with my project, I accidentally found this:

OMG! Truly an inspiration but a distraction at the same time. Yes, I became inspired, but now I'm too distracted that I cannot start working on with my project. Gah, they're so HOT!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 QR Code!

scan here

QR Code is very popular nowadays. Hmm, so what is a QR Code? Well, according to, QR Codes are 2 dimensional barcodes that are easily scanned using any modern mobile phone. This code will then be converted (called "dequrified") into a piece of (interactive) text and/or link. By creating your own QR Code (called "qurifying") you can make whatever you want more interactive. Just qurify any text or website url, put the QR Code on a product and make everything you have more interactive! 

The QR Code generator that I'm currently using right now is, and so far, every QR Code works perfectly fine.  

Blah Blahs: On Hiatus

I've been on blogging hiatus for about a month now. So what happened these past few weeks? A lot!!

Last July 30 - August 04, I was confined in the hospital due to dengue hemorrhagic fever. Boohoo! Anyway, I'm fine now. Thank God!!


So what else happened? Oh yeah, I've got a new job. I'm currently employed as an Internet Marketing Assistant at an online mobile company. Cool!

And oh, my boyfriend (cuddly bear) and I celebrated our 3rd year anniBEARsary last August 6. Sweet! (That reminds me, I will make a separate blog post about him. Haha!)

Hmm, what else? Ahh, I saw my younger brother dancing at the K-Pop fest last August 8. He's ssooo talentless. Lol.

With my brother, Kris and his friend, Rey

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blah Blahs: And Because I'm bored!!

Since I'm so bored to death, I decided to goof around with my photobooth. How productive!! (Insert sarcasm here!) Lol. 


Peace, yo!

I look different here.. How weird!!



I also love to do stupid stuffs when I'm bored, so here are some nonsense videos of myself doing basically nothing. Lol.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

No Other but Super Junior!

I was smiling the whole time when I watched Super Junior's new music video called No Other. It's like a happy pill. Lol. The song is so fresh and bubbly! Plus, all of them look so adorable especially my Sungmin.

I mean, look at him tiptoe on 1:48.. aww super cute, isn't it?! 

Anyway, I'm really glad that they went back to their "cutesy" image because that is one of the many reasons why I love them. So, if you're ready for another Super Junior's cuteness overload, well you better watch this now.  

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Review: Hello Kitty's handy hand lotion!

I'm saying goodbye to my old hand lotion, because I'm using a new one. I'm currently using Etude House Hello Kitty Mini Hand Lotion, "Hello Citrus Pink." 

I love the packaging because it's so tiny, it fits in my purse. See, it's super handy! Anyway, I also love the light citrus scent. I can't even stop smelling my hands! Lol. But you know what's the best thing about it, it makes my hand soft and smooth. Love it! 

Etude House Hello Kitty Mini Hand Lotion -- Hello Citrus

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Growing Up with Harry Potter

I want to thank my high school english teacher for introducing me to Harry Potter. I was 15 years old and on my junior year when she gave us a homework to write a book review about Harry Potter. And we were like, "Harry what?!" At that time, I don't have the slightest idea who Harry Potter was because I was too preoccupied with Freddie Prinze Jr, and Dawson's Creek! Lol. 

Anyway, she told us that she is currently reading a book called Harry Potter, and she just saw the trailer of that book. Hence, she gave us a homework to do a book review about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. And we were like, "Yeah right, whatever!," because at that time, my classmates and I prefers to read magazines than books. But since we don't want to fail in her class, we bought the book. And guess what, on the next day, we were no longer holding some teen magazines on our hands but instead, we were holding a book called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. OMG, we were so hooked on that book. It's like we can't stop reading it. We were even friggin excited to watch the movie. And since our english teacher realized that we are now hooked on Harry Potter, she decided to give us another homework, but this time, it's a movie review of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. We were actually excited to do the homework because hey it's a fun homework and it's not a boring math homework. Lol. Anyway, my friends and I used to skipped class just to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. And we even watched it not once but more than 5 times! The HP mania was incurable that Freddie Prinze Jr. got replaced by Tom Felton, contacts got replaced by glasses, and magazines got replaced by HP books. Lol. So yeah, blame it on our english teacher!! Lol.

Anyway, the following year, we were on our senior year and we are preparing for our college exam, when the Harry Potter sequel was in cinemas. Even though there are no more Harry Potter homeworks, and we are busy preparing for college, we still skip class just to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Lol. And I remember that we even go home late because we kept on re-watching the movie. Oh yeah, we are so addicted to it. Anyway, the next year, when I found out that the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be out, I immediately called my local bookstore to ask for a reservation of that book. Anyway, to make the story short, the Harry Potter mania still lives on. So every year is basically pretty much the same, it's either reading HP books or watching HP movies.

Anyway, It's been 9 years since I became a fan of Harry Potter, and in those nine years, Harry Potter plays a major part in my life especially during my teenage years. I collected all the 7 Harry Potter books, and I even have Dvd's. And now, even though there's a vampire and werewolf mania going on, I'm still siding on with the wizards and the witches. Lol. Yes, I may be no longer a 15 year old teenage girl, but I'm still a huge fan of Harry Potter. So now that I've watched the trailer of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All I can say is that I can't wait for November 19, 2010 and July 15, 2011!! But.. it will be the last Harry Potter movie. So I'm kinda sad. I mean, I've watched all the Harry Potter movies, so for sure, I will be definitely missing watching Harry Potter on the big screen.

Who cares about Team Edward or Team Jacob? I'm on Dumbledore's Army!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fly me to the moon.. The witch hunts are over!

I love video games and I love my PS3!! PS3 is like my second favorite thing in the whole world next to my Macbook. Lol. Anyway, I'm currently playing Bayonetta. It's a very cool game!! And guess what, the soundtrack is "Fly me to the moon." ROTFLMAO. Yeah, I know I'm such a GEEK!! Lol.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Puff the Magic G-Dragon

One of my online buddy thought that G-Dragon is some sort of a new drug because of my online status, "Puff the Magic G-Dragon." FYI, he's not a drug, he's a K-Pop singer, and he's Big Bang's leader!! Lol. 

I want to go to Tokyo!

After seeing Kyuhyun's picture in Japan, I suddenly wanted to go there too. This may sound weird but the building in his back is what really attracts me the most.. it's so anime-ish! LOL 

Blah Blahs: ducky tube zombie!

I'm not in the mood to write anything.. I feel like a zombie!! Specifically, I feel like a ducky tube zombie from PVZ. Lol. Watch out, I'm gonna eat your brains!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Review: I heart Toy Story 3

Since the movie house is just 2 blocks away from my place, I invited my boyfriend and my brother to accompany me to watch Toy Story 3 because I really wanted to watch it ever since I saw the trailer. Anyway, I've already read in the forums that the movie will definitely make you cry, so I was really expecting that I'll cry while watching it. I even prepared myself not to cry. Lol.

In the movie, Andy is all grown up, and he's now going to college. Anyway, I will not tell the whole story because I want you to watch it. Lol. To sum up,  the last 15 minutes in the movie is simply touching and so heart warming! Even though he haven't played with his toys for ages, he still cares for them. He wanted to keep his toys at the attic, and he even wanted to bring Woody (his first toy) with him in his college dorm. But in the end, he decided to donate it to this little girl named Bonnie. Actually, it was Woody's idea. (I won't explain how and why it happened.. better watch the movie, okay?!) So when Andy went to Bonnie's house, he introduced all his toys to her, and then as he was introducing them one by one, he was surprised because he saw Woody there in the donation box. He even looked at Woody for like about 5 seconds and he hesitated to give him to Bonnie. But Bonnie knew who Woody was and of course, Andy was shocked. He didn't want to give Woody but then he looked at Bonnie and maybe he realized that Bonnie is the new rightful owner who will take good care of his Woody. So what Andy did is he finally gave Woody to Bonnie, and even played with her. When he was leaving, Bonnie wave Woody's hand, and said goodbye. Andy was tearful and also said goodbye to Woody. And the next thing I knew, everyone in the cinema (including me) was crying. Lol. 

It was obvious that Andy's favorite toy is Woody, probably because it was his first toy. Yes, of course there was Buzz, and if you watched Toy Story 1, you'd remember that Woody is jealous of Buzz because he is the new toy. But what Woody didn't realized is that even though Buzz is the new toy, he is Andy's favorite toy. I mean, Andy was even sad when he can't find Woody, and he can't sleep because he misses him. So in the end of Toy Story 1, Andy was super happy when he found Woody and Buzz. And of course, I won't elaborate the sequel, Toy Story 2. But what I'm trying to say here is that yes you can get a lot of new and probably better toys but there's still one favorite toy that you will love forever.

For Buzz, he always thought that he and Woody was Andy's favorite toys, because hey Woody and him are partners, right. So when Andy only picked Woody, Buzz was shocked and hurt because he realized that it was really Woody and only Woody who was Andy's favorite toy. Luckily, Buzz quickly accepted the truth. So for Woody, he was also shocked, but even though Andy chose him, he still decided to stay with the other toys. Of course, Woody loves Andy and he surely wanted to go with him to college but Woody can't just leave his fellow toys, because they're family. Besides Woody finally realized that even though he is Andy's favorite toy, Andy is no longer a kid, but already an adult. And for Andy, he may be all grown up now but he is still a kid at heart. He still love and cares for his toys. Yes, he wanted to keep them but he knows that there is someone who needs them more. Besides, he knew that his toys also deserves to be played, and not just to be stocked inside the attic. And that's the main reason why he donated his toys to Bonnie. Yes, it's time move on for everyone, Andy is now in college, and the toys already have a new owner. But that doesn't mean that Andy and his toys will just forget all the wonderful memories they've made together. The End. Bow. 

OMG this is a long blog post. Lol. I really love the movie, and I'm recommending everyone to go watch it because it's worth it!! Anyway, here's a photo of me with the gang. Lol.