Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blah Blahs: Hair Disaster

My natural hair color is black. And guess what, I hate it!! Everyone seems to like to have a beautiful soft shiny black hair! But I'm not one of those girls. Anyway, I started to dye my hair last year. And it seems like every month, I've got a new hair color. The reason why I'm dying my hair (aside from the fact that I hate my natural hair color) is because I'm bored and I always want to try something new. Thus, I dyed my hair burgundy, copper, orange, blonde, brown, etc. Yes, I know that it's bad for my hair. So last January, I actually made a new year's resolution that I will stop dying my hair. I even posted it on Lol. Anyway, I cannot just stop myself from dying my hair. So what I did was to limit myself in dying my hair. Instead of every month, I made it to every 4 months. The last time that I dyed my hair was last February, and it was a disaster!!! It's supposed to be copper but the result was reddish pink. I look like Strawberry Shortcake. So the next day, I immediately went to the salon to fix my hair. The senior stylist told me that she wants to dye my hair ash brown because it suits my skin tone. And poof, my hair was back to normal. And I happen to like my new hair color (ash brown), so I didn't dye my hair again... until today! 

Yes, after 4 months, I dyed my hair again because my hair is growing to fast and my black roots are now visible. And guess what, it was a disaster.. again!! I mean, it's supposed to be light brown not dark brown! Now, my hair is too dark it's almost black! Boohoo! ☹ 

Is it true that Lemon Juice can lighten your hair? Hhmmm, I need to go to the grocery store to buy one, and to test it on my hair. Geesh, whatta guinea pig. Lol.

Black hair

Red hair

Orange hair

Blonde Hair

Brown hair

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