Friday, June 18, 2010

Free Hugs, Anyone?!

Free Hugs seems to be very popular in Seoul. I became aware of this free hug campaign when I saw the music video of Super Junior, "Happiness." Free Hugs are meant to be Random Acts of Kindness, which are selfless acts performed just to make others feel happy. When I went to Seoul last April, I actually experienced this Free Hug craze. And no, it wasn't with Super Junior but it was with some random nice korean girls. Lol. Anyway, those 4 nice girls are standing under the cold weather in the middle of the busy streets of Myeong-Dong holding a huge sign that says "FREE HUG." I was actually excited to give them a hug because it was my first time to experience this so called "free hug" from a total complete stranger. And yeah, the feeling was nice. 

Super Junior's Music Video - "Happiness"

Free Hugs at Myeong-Dong

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